Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Kids Math Magician Games

This is one for the kids, in fact I came across the link in my 9 year old's homework book. 

The Oswego City School (New York) web site has a page of online Math games for the kids.  To us grown-ups, the maths games are pretty basic, but the format of a time limit to complete a number of sums with a printable certificate at the end, has the kids wanting to play again to either get a better percentage of sums correct or to achieve 100% in a quicker time.

Parents be warned, if your child doesn't challenge you to beat their maths score, eventually you will be tempted to have-a-go your self.  I strongly recommend you practice on the website alone, before allowing your child to see how rusty you've become with primary school maths!

Check it out...
Have fun with your kids, and enjoy!

1 comment :

  1. Hey, cool game. I like the grandpa professor graphic. Thanks for sharing. Here's one for you ...

